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ISEO-specific commands and response codes

ISEO-specific commands and response codes

Command Description Since version
dcwl Delete Card Whitelist: Command for deleting all whitelist entries for ISEO User Cards inside the lock. 2.6
gcwl Get Card Whitelist: Sends all whitelist entries for ISEO User Cards of the lock device to the mobile device. It returns a list of 4-byte values in big-endian format starting with a header containing the number of whitelist elements, followed by the elements. 2.6
adcd Add Card: Adds an ISEO User Card to the card whitelist. Requires an unsigned 32-bit card number as command parameter, encoded in a 4-byte representation in big-endian format, e.g. card number 7448 must be sent as 0x00, 0x00, 0x1d, 0x18. Blinks green on success, red on error. See response code for more information. 2.6
rmcd Remove Card: Removes a formerly added ISEO User Card from the card whitelist. Requires an unsigned 32-bit card number as command parameter, encoded in a 4-byte representation in big-endian format, e.g. card number 29340 must be sent as 0x00, 0x00, 0x72, 0x9c. Blinks green on success, red on error. See response code for more information. 2.6
boot Change to bootloader mode. The ISEO lock changes to normal mode after 5 seconds. 3
fres Complete factory reset. This command removes all data from storage expect the software itself. The ISEO lock has to be reinitialized after that. Lock does reboot after the initialization data is removed. 3
rmma Delete ISEO master card assignment. After that, a new master set can be assigned. This is useful when the master set is lost or should be blocked. 3
adcs Activate this mode for adding ISEO user cards to the ISEO device. After activating the mode, as many ISEO user cards as needed can be presented to the ISEO lock. The ISEO lock changes to normal mode after 5 seconds without a card. 3
rmcs Activate this mode for removing ISEO user cards from the ISEO device. After activating the mode, as many ISEO user cards as needed can be presented to the ISEO lock. The ISEO lock changes to normal mode after 5 seconds without a card. 3
svop This command has the same functionality as tokn except on Aries locks, where no access is granted when privacy mode is active. 7
fota Start the FOTA update with NFC cards 10
resc Not supported by ISEO 10

See BlueID Access standard commands for remaining commands.

Response codes
Code Type Description Since version
129 Success Card cannot be added because it is already on whitelist. 3.0
130 Success Card cannot be removed because it is not on whitelist. 3.0
180 Security warning Security threat: No ISEO Master Card assigned! v9

See BlueID Access standard command execution responses for remaining response codes.

Further documentation to some BlueID commands
Enabling and disabling ISEO User Cards

Enable or disable ISEO User Cards through one of the following ways:

Using the BlueID command adcd or rmcd with the ISEO User Card number

Since you can enable or disable ISEO User Cards without having them physically available, this is the recommended method.

For enabling an ISEO User Card by using the ISEO User Card number, you can use the BlueID command adcd, for disabling an ISEO User card, please use the BlueID command rmcd.

Each command needs the ISEO User Card number as an unsigned 4-byte command parameter in big-endian format. For example, the card number 7448 must be sent as 0x00, 0x00, 0x12, 0xaa.

In addition to the signal of the lock (2x), the BlueID command execution returns a corresponding response code. We refer to BlueID Access commands and response codes for more information.

Using the BlueID command adcs or rmcs together with the ISEO User Cards

For enabling an ISEO User Card to access the lock put the lock in the add cards mode by adcs command. Lock turns green.

  1. Hold a sequence of ISEO User Cards on the ISEO lock to enable them. Success:

  2. Wait 5 seconds for timeout: 2x

For disabling an ISEO User Card from access the lock put the lock in the remove cards mode by rmcs command. Lock turns green.

  1. Hold a sequence of ISEO User Cards on the ISEO lock to disable them. Success:

  2. Wait 5 seconds for timeout: 2x

Fetching the ISEO User Card Whitelist

When the command gcwl was triggered, the ISEO LockServer sends back the list of enabled ISEO User Cards. The data structure starts with the number of entries and then contains all ISEO User Card numbers. The number of entries as well as each ISEO User Card number is -- like the parameters for enabling or disabling an ISEO User Card -- an unsigned 4-byte value in big-endian format.

Fetching hardware version and revision

The value shown using hrev BlueID command is the hardware version of the device and it's release. The resulting return value has 12 byte. The first 11 characters representing the hardware version as string followed by one byte representing the release number of the hardware.

Reset the ISEO lock

Be very careful using the factory reset fres BlueID command. It will delete all data from except the software itself. You can't use it any more until you put a new initialization data to the lock by NFC with ISEO Zero1 tool.

Go to boot loader mode

Using the boot BlueID command, makes the cylinder boot into bootloader mode. After a few seconds it will boot normal again. This is only needed for firmware updates of the cylinder.

Block or replace ISEO Master Card set

Using the rmma BlueID command, the actual ISEO Master Card set assignment can be removed. Without the assignment a new ISEO Master Card set can be activated by putting sequence #1 of the set to the ISEO lock.

Many commands have a corresponding card sequence.

For just using ISEO Cards please refer to ISEO card handling.