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SDK for C 3.6

Release Notes SDK for C 3.6

License information

Please read the detailed information at BlueID Open Source Software Documentation in our documentation space about recently added third-party software under open source license.

New Features

BlueID SDK for C now supports token cards v2 with arbitrary access commands beside the opening command 'tokn'. Version is still compatible with token cards v1


BlueID configuration data
  • The validation of the BlueID configuration content is enhanced for old Initialization data since version ≥ 3.0
  • The BlueID configuration data is now sent and stored with a checksum extension, to ensure data correctness. This extension is back compatible (the check is not executed for a board where Initialization and Configuration data have the old format without checksum) and forward compatible (the check is not executed in a board with older SDK for C core versions even if the Initialization and Configuration data have the new format with checksum).
  • Requirement for checksum check: Initialization data version ≥ 3.5, for more information see Release Notes SDK for C Initializer 3.6

Resolved Issues

Corrupt BlueID configuration data is now detected and an error is returned

Removal announcement of deprecated APIs

see: Removal of deprecated APIs