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BlueID Access standard commands

BlueID Access standard commands

Command Description Since BlueID SDK for C version
batt This commands returns a qualitative indication for the state of the battery (e.g. battery full, empty or getting critical). 3.7
blvs get the bootloader version: retrieve the bootloader version as a string with major, minor and revision numbers. 3.9
cual clear user access log: Use this to clear the user access log when you have successfully retrieved the user access log in a previous step. 2.6
diof An authorized user must present his valid BlueID Token for disabling the office mode on a secured object. Once the office mode is disabled, no user can access the secured object without presenting his valid BlueID Token.
enof An authorized user must present his valid BlueID Token for enabling the office mode on a secured object. Once the secured object is placed into office mode, any user can access the secured object without presenting any BlueID Token. The doors in an "open-door policy" office are a typical use case.
gcfg get configuration information: get the configuration information including lock id, API key and all available bluetooth settings. The response is encoded in CBOR.
glol get log level: Retrieves the log level of the BlueID SDK on the secured object as string.
gsta get log level: Retrieves the log level of the BlueID SDK on the secured object as string.
gtim get time: Retrieves the time of the real time clock on the secured object as a Unix timestamp.
gual get user access log: Retrieves a list of all authorized and unauthorized user accesses on the secured object. Use the responseObject getter method in CommandExecutionResponse on the mobile device to get the user access log.
gver get version information: get the versions for boot loader, platform and lock controller and furthermore hardware revision, vendor and name. The response is encoded in CBOR.
hrev get hardware revision: retrieve the revision of the hardware as a string with major, minor and revision numbers.
hwmo get the hardware mode: retrieve the status of all available hardware modes (like office mode or privacy mode) as a string.
hwna get hardware name: retrieve the hardware name as a string.
hwna get hardware name: retrieve the hardware name as a string.
hwve get the hardware vendor: retrieve the hardware vendor as a string.
lcvs get lock controller version: retrieve the version of the controller of the lock (when present) as a string with major, minor and revision numbers.
resc get lock controller version: retrieve the version of the controller of the lock (when present) as a string with major, minor and revision numbers.
resr get reset reason: retrieve the reason of the last reset as a string.
slol set log level: This command makes the user capable to set the log level on secured objects. To set the log level, pass a number between 0 to 5 which maps the following level of logging respectively: All (0), Debug, Information, Warning, Error and Off (5).
time An authorized user must present his valid BlueID Token for setting the time on the real time clock of the secured object. The time is then set to the current time of the mobile device as a Unix timestamp. To make sure that the BlueID Token with this command is valid, please set the start date to 0. Please note that this command is for administrative purposes only.
tokn The secured object generally remains in a locked state, i.e. a user does not gain access without presenting a valid BlueID Token. An authorized user must present his valid BlueID Token for getting access to corresponding secured object (e.g. a room). The door of a hotel room is a typical use case since you want to make sure that only authorized users can access the room.
toof Toggles the office mode. If the office mode was active, it will be deactivated. If the office mode was inactive, it will be activated.
vers get version: Retrieves the version of the BlueID SDK on the secured object as a string.

Uhlmann & Zacher specific commands

Command Description Since BlueID SDK for C version
ckfw Check if the AVR firmware version is matching the module firmware.
The response is encoded in the user data in four bytes:
Start Byte Size Type Description
0 1 byte UINT 8
Value Description
0x00 AVR Version matches
0xFF AVR Version doesn't match

All the other values are invalid and reserved for future use.
1 1 byte UINT 8 AVR firmware minor version number expected by the module.
1 1 byte UINT 8 AVR firmware minor version number expected by the module.
2 1 byte UINT 8 AVR firmware minor version number expected by the module.
3 1 byte UINT 8 AVR firmware minor version number expected UUZ 6
avfw Read the AVR firmware version.
The response is encoded in the user data in three bytes:
Start Byte Size Type Description
0 1 byte UINT 8 AVR firmware minor version number
1 1 byte UINT 8 AVR firmware minor version number
2 1 byte UINT 8 AVR firmware minor version number
avhw read the AVR hardware version.
The response is encoded in the user data in one byte:
Start Byte Size Type Description
0 1 byte UINT 8 AVR firmware UUZ 6
blvs Read the bootloader version.
The response is encoded in the user data in four bytes:
Start Byte Size Type Description
0 4 byte UINT 32 current UUZ 7
rrva Read the RAM storage values.
The response is encoded in the user data in 20 bytes:
Start Byte Size Type Description
0 4 byte UINT 32 Restart counter
4 4 byte UINT 32 Timestamp for RTC
8 4 byte UINT 32 Number of times the RTC overflow triggered a timestamp update
12 1 byte Bitmask
Name Bit Description
SetFromExternal 0x01 Time has been set by a command
ResetFromRamStore 0x02 Time has been set by a command
TimeAcceptedAtRestart 0x04 Time accepted after restart
TimeEmptyAtRestart 0x08 No data for time at restart
TimeInvalidAtRestart 0x10 Time is invalid at startup
TimeInitialValueAtRestart 0x20 Time at startup has intial value

All other bits are unused.
13 1 byte BOOL Flag indicating if office mode is enabled
14 1 byte UINT8 Log level
15 1 byte BOOL Flag indicating if restartCount has been set
16 1 byte BOOL Flag indicating if timeStamp has been set
17 1 byte BOOL Flag indicating if timeStatus has been set
18 1 byte BOOL Flag indicating if isOfficeModeEnabled has been set
19 1 byte BOOL Flag indicating if logLevel has been set
boot Reboot the module and enter DFU mode. When in boot mode the module advertises as device name the MAC address for 20 seconds and it is possible to use NRF tools to upgrade the firmware. After 20 seconds of inactivity, the module returns to application.

BlueID Access standard command execution responses

Code Type Description Since version
0 Success OK 2.6
49 Mobile Device Error The Secured Object received an invalid parameter. Please make sure that the parameter is valid 2.6
50 Mobile Device Error The Secured Object received an unknown command. Please make sure that the command is valid 2.6
51 Mobile Device Error The Secured Object expected a parameter for the used command. Please make sure that a parameter is provided 2.6
52 Secured Object Error Error during execution of the procedure associated to command 2.6
53 Informational When calling gtim but the time was not set, the Secured Object must always return the default timestamp and this response code 3.7
54 Secured Object Erro For a Secured Object connected to an online directory, this response code indicates that the online directory is not available 3.7
55 Secured Object Erro For a Secured Object connected to an online directory, the directory rejected the command execution request 3.7
100 Informational Already executing another command, dismissing command request. 2.6
128 Informational Battery level is low, please replace the battery soon 3.7
132 Secured Object Erro Some hardware component that is required to execute the command – e.g. a mechanical switch – is unavailable so the Secured Object was not able to execute the command 3.7
133 Secured Object Erro Command execution was rejected because the privacy mode was activated on the Secured Object 3.7
134 Secured Object Erro The Secured Object is already in office mode 3.7
135 Hardware Failure Command execution failed due to hardware failure 3.7

Detailed Scenarios

ID Scenario Outcome
1 tokn is triggered while the office mode is active 52
2 tokn is triggered yet coupling fails for mechanical reasons 52
3 enof is triggered but the lock is already in office mode 0
4 diof is triggered but the lock is not in office mode 0
5 enof, diof, tokn, boot or mtnc is triggered while the lock is opened by tokn BUSY
6 tokn, enof or diof while the handle is not in a horizontal position 52